Shoulderslip Hi-c and snap-reaction shot with Rowe

Today with Rowe we worked 2 new techniques. The first was baiting the opponent into snapping down a post and shooting off of his snap. We let him snap once and don’t shoot, then shoot on the second snap. The post doesn’t have to be a hard post, it’s more of a keeping distance post. When he snaps, anticipate the snap and bring your arm down and back with his snap. Don’t be stiff and don’t let his snap determine where your arm goes — take control of it before/as he’s snapping. After the first snap, if there is separation, give a fake/stutter. The shot can be a double with the head in the middle or a knee pull to either side.




Handfighting here: we want to isolate the post/snap side. Keep the right hand ready to shoot, which will usually mean clearing things with that hand. If he collar ties the opposite side, push it over/duck head under. If he is overtie posting hard, snap, club and steer. If he is draping, just drop the post and threaten an angle (or use Wissel’s shot from him digging a draping overtie).


The second shot we worked was from blocking off an underhook. Keep the head down in the pocket, punch the rib away, and go inside the thigh with the overhook arm and circle to it. This will open up a lot of space to shoot into.


Come back to the elbow, NOT THE TRICEP and set the feet. Create a lot of tension by starting to pull hips forward and shoulders back, while staying on your toes. DO NOT turn your shoulders and DO NOT let the overhook arm flare up and away. Keep the pull on the arm compact, it should slide out naturally. Do not penetrate, just knee drop. Shoot close to head-on so that it is easier to cut the corner or Iranian. Keep the shot arm high and curled, not snaked.
